To All Attorneys, Paralegals, & Other Legal Professionals:
Section One - Saturday, October 17, 2020
7:30 AM - 8:00 AM: Welcome All! LAPA News, Updates, & Exhibitors
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM: Litigation Basics, Sean D. Muntz
9:15 AM - 10:15 AM: Real Estate Law, James A. Gallo
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM: Entertainment Law, Schuyler M. Moore
11:45 AM - 12:45 PM: Probate Law, Scott E. Rahn

Scott E. Rahn
Founding and Managing Partner, RMO LLP
Los Angeles, CA
Scott is the founder and managing partner of RMO LLP, a firm that represents heirs, beneficiaries, trustees, and executors and provides personal, cost-effective litigation services focused on resolving disputes and litigation issues related to trusts, estates, and conservatorships. With over 17 years of legal experience, Scott devotes his practice to developing and implementing strategies that address the financial issues, fiduciary duties, and emotional complexities underlying trust contests, estates conflicts, and probate litigation. Scott is known for in-depth financial investigations and deftly handling intra-family dynamics and decades-long family friction. His effective solutions to the most fraught trust and estate fights has earned him recognition as "Trusts and Estates Lawyer of the Year" from the Century City Bar Association and he has been honored by Super Lawyers magazine, the Los Angeles Business Journal, and the National Law Journal. Scott graduated with his JD from the University of San Diego School of Law.
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM: Exhibitors, Awards, & Vendor Raffles
2:15 PM - 3:15 PM: Bankruptcy, Charles Shamash, Esq.
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM: Ethics, Sahar Shiralian
LAPA's 44th Virtual Conference Series
Future Sessions: November 14, 2020
LAPA is a State Bar of California Approved MCLE Provider and certifies that each seminar is approved for 1.0 hour of credit. While MCLE credit may be afforded for a particular live session, it is not guaranteed for viewing the on-demand recording of the event.
This seminar meets the requirements of the NALA Certifying Board for continuing legal education credit required to maintain the CP (Certified Paralegal) credential.
A Special Thank You to Our Exhibitors & Sponsors!