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Learn more about LAPA's Student Benefits below

  • Scholarships
  • Pro Bono Opportunities
  • Career Center
  • Tuition Reduction @ National University

Student Benefits

LAPA welcomes and encourages students currently enrolled in paralegal programs to take advantage of the benefits LAPA has to offer. Students should be aware of the below requirements for California paralegals as stated in California Business & Professions Code 6450.

For students just getting started in their paralegal career, we understand the challenges you face in getting that first job. You will find a listing of internship and pro bono opportunities below that welcome paralegal students which can possibly assist you with obtaining great experience.  There is a full list of Pro Bono Partners  HERE. Additionally, below is a link that will connect you with LAPA's "Career Center" webpage where you can post your resume, view jobs and sign up for alerts.

LAPA Scholarship Guidelines, Criteria, and Application:


Pursuant to California Business & Professions Code Section 6450(d), paralegals must meet the following continuing education requirements:

  • Four hours of legal ethics every two years; and
  • Four hours of general or specialized legal education every two years.

There is no mechanism for reporting or monitoring compliance with this requirement. Paralegals and their supervising attorneys must certify compliance, but the paralegals are responsible for maintaining records of the certifications. The MANDATORY continuing legal education ("MCLE") requirements provide that "all continuing education courses shall meet the requirements of Business & Professions Code Section 6070. Per Section 6070, only courses offered by State Bar of California approved MCLE providers are recognized when considering MCLE credit hours earned."

Paralegal MCLE Requirements

California Assembly Bill 2303 was signed by the Governor and became effective on January 1, 2007. AB 2303 was an omnibus bill containing the amendment to Business and Professions Code Section 6450 (d) to correct the staggered compliance periods set forth in the Code. The amended section reads:

"6450.. (d) Every two years, commencing January 1, 2007, any person that is working as a paralegal shall be required to certify completion of four hours of mandatory continuing legal education in legal ethics and four hours of mandatory continuing legal education in either general law or in an area of specialized law. All continuing legal education courses shall meet the requirements of Section 6070. Certification of these continuing education requirements shall be made with the paralegal's supervising attorney. The paralegal shall be responsible for keeping a record of the paralegal's certifications."


Click here to find out about some great Paralegal Volunteer opportunities with the Los Angeles Superior Court:

Internships / Pro Bono Opportunities
3250 Wilshire Boulevard, 13th Floor
Los Angeles, California 90010

Bet Tzedek is one of the nation's premier legal services organizations providing free assistance to more than 10,000 people of every racial and religious background. Bet Tzedek makes a crucial difference in the lives of the most vulnerable members of the community. Bet Tzedek's practice focuses primarily on Landlord/Tenant, Consumer Protection, Home Foreclosures, Employment Rights, Collections, Bankruptcy, Guardianship, Conservatorship and Supplemental Security Income issues.

Pro bono, volunteer, and internship opportunities are available at Bet Tzedek. In order to perform pro bono, volunteer and/or internship services for Bet Tzedek, please visit Bet Tzedek’s website at You may also fill out and submit to Bet Tzedek the application here. Volunteers should direct further questions to the Pro Bono and Volunteer Coordinator at

3250 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite #710
Los Angeles, California 90010

The mission of the Harriett Buhai Center (“Center”) is to provide family law assistance to low income families in Los Angeles County through the efforts of volunteer attorneys, paralegals and law students assuring those families access to the courts, reducing poverty among children and single parents and stopping domestic violence directed toward women and children. All volunteers at the Center must take Family Law training, which is an all day training of introduction to the theoretical and practical basis of California Family Law. The cost of the training is $85.00 for volunteers and the commitment of 45 hours of office pro per assistance within 12 months following the training. The 45 hours could be done on a weekday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. or on a Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Center. The Volunteer Coordinator for this great organization is Nicole Kennedy, who can be reached at (213) 388-7505.

Please be sure to visit LAPA's "Career Center" webpage at:

On the LAPA website’s “Career Center” webpage, students will have access to post resumes, search for jobs, and sign-up for job alerts.

Click here for upcoming LAPA Mandatory Continuing Legal Education ("MCLE") Seminars and networking events!

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